Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016

Day #6: Five Ways To Win My Heart

I don't like this post. It's like giving away a cheat sheet. Where's the mistery. Haha.

#1: Cook for me

Kata pepatah kan dari mata turun ke hati. Saya mau bikin pepatah baru ah: dari perut naik ke hati. Haha. Wah kalo ini saya jadiin parameter utama, berarti all time winner nya mutlak ya: ma mere, my simbok. Gak akan pernah ada pesaing. But hey, you can try. It's the effort that counts.

#2: Act like a gentleman

It's about the small things: holding the door, giving up your seat, walking closest to the curb. Eh kan emansipasi ul, udah setara, ga usah ada perlakuan khusus antara laki-laki dan perempuan? Screw that. I'm not going to lie, I always do like being treated differently, more politely, or gently, just because I'm a woman.

#3: Make me laugh

Ini standar ya. But easier said than done. Believe me.

#4: Cool me down

Put water to my fire. Seriously if you can manage to do this, you have a serious skill. I will adore you in an instant.

#5: Be passionate in what you do

Nothing is sexier than a man with passion.


Sebenernya masih banyak sih printilan-printilan lainnya. Suka Harry Potter, bisa main musik, bisa jadi pendengar yang baik, dll. Tapi kayaknya lima tadi masih yang paling ampuh.

Okeydoke, I hope you find this useful. (What. Who?)

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