Di challenge nya, perintahnya 'Conversely, write about something that's kicking ass right now.' Setelah agak dipikir-pikir, ini nyambung sama postingan sebelumnya. Yang sebelumnya kan kita disuruh nulis tentang sesuatu yang pingin kita improve dalam hidup kita, nah sekarang sebaliknya, kita kudu nulis tentang sesuatu yang lagi oke-okenya dalam hidup kita.
Haha. Lagi oke-okenya.
Tapi ngerti lah ya maksudnya.
Baiklah. Here's the list of things that are going great right now.
#1: Living alone suits me well
Saya dari kecil sampe kuliah selalu tinggal bareng keluarga. Belum pernah hidup sendirian. Sebenernya setelah lulus pernah ngerasain ngekos juga sih barang setengah tahun di Jakarta. Tapi feeling ngekos nya kurang dapet, soalnya tiap wiken juga pulang ke rumah.
Sekarang beda cerita. Gak bisa dikit-dikit pulang karena jauh dan mahal. Jadi akhirnya bener-bener ngerasain yang namanya hidup sendirian. Ada plus dan minusnya sih. Plusnya, everything is up to me. Minus nya, everything is up to me. Lah kok sama. Haha.
Everything is up to me (+)
Mau ngapa-ngapain terserah saya, mau pulang malem atau mau main kemana aja ngga perlu laporan dulu, mau impulsif beli-beli hal-hal yang tidak substansial juga ga ada yang negur.
Everything is up to me (-)
#2: Finding activities that (genuinely) make me happy
Dulu mah kan yang masuk kategori menyenangkan itu mesti yang melibatkan temen-temen, makan bareng, jalan bareng, karokean bareng. Sekarang jadi rada berubah, it's more about the what, rather than the where and the who. Saya jadi sering 'oh ternyata ini tuh asik ya, oh ini tuh seru ya, oh ini tuh menarik ya', dan seterusnya.
Being with people is great, but with them, your definition of 'fun' is limited. It's only 'fun' when it's fun to do together, when everybody thinks it's fun, although sometimes it's just 'meh' for you.
When you finally can be honest to yourself about what you really enjoy doing, well.. It's just, peaceful.
#3: Fast internet
This is definitely one of the things I would really miss when I leave this place.
#4: Being (kinda) calmer
I feel like there's a hot boiling rage inside of me, like, almost all the time. Don't know where it came from. Bright side is, I'll make a great Hulk. I'm always angry. Not so bright side is, a lot of effort is needed to repress it.
Anyhoo. I think I'm getting better at it, the whole rage repressing stuff. Although I'm not sure if it's a good thing. Shouldn't I find out the reason of my rage and deal with it instead of repressing it?
Haha. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Baiklah. Here's the list of things that are going great right now.
#1: Living alone suits me well
Saya dari kecil sampe kuliah selalu tinggal bareng keluarga. Belum pernah hidup sendirian. Sebenernya setelah lulus pernah ngerasain ngekos juga sih barang setengah tahun di Jakarta. Tapi feeling ngekos nya kurang dapet, soalnya tiap wiken juga pulang ke rumah.
Sekarang beda cerita. Gak bisa dikit-dikit pulang karena jauh dan mahal. Jadi akhirnya bener-bener ngerasain yang namanya hidup sendirian. Ada plus dan minusnya sih. Plusnya, everything is up to me. Minus nya, everything is up to me. Lah kok sama. Haha.
Everything is up to me (+)
Mau ngapa-ngapain terserah saya, mau pulang malem atau mau main kemana aja ngga perlu laporan dulu, mau impulsif beli-beli hal-hal yang tidak substansial juga ga ada yang negur.
Everything is up to me (-)
Mau cari makan atau mau kelaperan di kamar terserah saya, mau rajin nyuci atau mau liat baju kotor numpuk terserah saya, mau tidur cukup atau begadang tiap malem juga terserah saya. Ngga ada yang ngeladenin, ga ada yang ngingetin.
But overall this is great. Yang ginian bisa bikin orang jadi lebih bisa ngurus diri sendiri. Karena memang ga ada pilihan lain. Haha. Besides, taking care of yourself somehow feels more satisfying than having to depend on others. Doesn't it.
#2: Finding activities that (genuinely) make me happy
Dulu mah kan yang masuk kategori menyenangkan itu mesti yang melibatkan temen-temen, makan bareng, jalan bareng, karokean bareng. Sekarang jadi rada berubah, it's more about the what, rather than the where and the who. Saya jadi sering 'oh ternyata ini tuh asik ya, oh ini tuh seru ya, oh ini tuh menarik ya', dan seterusnya.
Being with people is great, but with them, your definition of 'fun' is limited. It's only 'fun' when it's fun to do together, when everybody thinks it's fun, although sometimes it's just 'meh' for you.
When you finally can be honest to yourself about what you really enjoy doing, well.. It's just, peaceful.
#3: Fast internet
This is definitely one of the things I would really miss when I leave this place.
#4: Being (kinda) calmer
I feel like there's a hot boiling rage inside of me, like, almost all the time. Don't know where it came from. Bright side is, I'll make a great Hulk. I'm always angry. Not so bright side is, a lot of effort is needed to repress it.
Anyhoo. I think I'm getting better at it, the whole rage repressing stuff. Although I'm not sure if it's a good thing. Shouldn't I find out the reason of my rage and deal with it instead of repressing it?
Haha. Ain't nobody got time for that.
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